Maysa Jalbout and Katy Bullard have contributed to the “Reimagining Philanthropy in the Global South: From Analysis to Action in a Post-COVID World” book published by Cambridge University Press by co-writing the “Philanthropy in Emerging Economies: A Call to Invest in Resilience”.
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent deep shockwaves through our global and local economies, our health-care and education systems, and into our personal homes and lives. While the shock was univer- sal, the impact and its long-term implications have been felt and will linger much longer for the most vulnerable countries, communities, and individuals. In emerging economies around the world, the pandemic has set back hard-fought progress in economic development and social equity. As we begin to understand the real cost of the pandemic for everything from children’s learning to women’s economic opportunity, every sector and actor must reflect on their role and re- evaluate their position in building a more resilient system for all, in emerging economies and beyond.
In this chapter, resilience is understood as sufficient stability within a system to protect communities, particularly the most vulnerable, and services from deep shocks. This system encompasses not only government, but also civil society, including philanthropy. To examine the role of philanthropy in supporting resilience in emerging economies, we consider three dimensions: what philanthropists invest in, how they invest, and with whom they invest.
You can read the full paper in the following link: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/reimagining-philanthropy-in-the-global-south/892D6D9A346C1670F2B28B95F6198607#fndtn-information
You can also find publications by Maysa here.