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Key Series Live: supporting early learning for refugee children

Giving teachers the right tools and knowledge are crucial, say the experts in our discussion following a new early childhood education report from Theirworld. As 90% of brain development happens before the age of five, quality early childhood education (ECE) is crucial. But across the world it is generally underfunded and undervalued. That can be damaging for any child - partic[...]


Finding solutions to Greece’s refugee education crisis

The refugee crisis in the Greek Aegean islands has reached an untenable situation which requires urgent action by the Greek authorities and the international community. This report shows a way forward. There are 42,000 refugees stuck on the Greek Aegean islands, their entry point to the country and, they hope, to Europe. Their futures are precarious and their daily reality is extr[...]


Governments Simply Cannot Do It Alone – How Philanthropy Can Drive Development in the Arab World

The Arab world has long suffered from a wide spectrum of socio-economic challenges and conflicts. Three statistics demonstrate these acute challenges beyond doubt: 1) two-thirds of the region’s population is either poor or vulnerable to multi-dimensional poverty, 2) the region’s youth unemployment rate has hovered at almost 30% for two decades with no progress, remaining the highest i[...]


A new, bold approach is needed to enhance the region’s rich tradition of giving​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Four years ago, we set out to establish the Arab world’s largest privately funded education foundation. The mandate that its founder Abdulla Al Ghurair laid out was focused and ambitious: to help 15,000 under-served, high-achieving Arab youth access high-quality education. Despite the seemingly daunting challenge, the foundation is on course to not only achieve but far exceed its o[...]