Giving teachers the right tools and knowledge are crucial, say the experts in our discussion following a new early childhood education report from Theirworld.
As 90% of brain development happens before the age of five, quality early childhood education (ECE) is crucial. But across the world it is generally underfunded and undervalued.
That can be damaging for any child – particularly refugee children who have experienced the trauma of conflict and displacement.
Theirworld has published Supporting Early Childhood Education Teachers in Refugee Settings – a report that looks at how quality ECE can be delivered to every refugee child if teachers are equipped with the right knowledge and tools.
One of the authors – Maysa Jalbout, a Universal Education Fellow at Brookings Institution – appeared today in the latest of Theirworld’s The Key Series of live discussions. It also featured Ajwok Mary Valentino, a South Sudanese refugee who is now a teacher at a refugee settlement in Uganda and a Theirworld Global Youth Ambassador.